Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal - Hex Translator

An easy to use Tool to convert hexadecimal to decimal. Enter any hexadecimal number in the box, click on the button and get the decimal conversion. For example, enter a hexadecimal number "24" in the box, click on the hex to decimal button, you will get the answer "36". Try this hex to number converter for more numbers to convert base-16 to base-8 with the help of our tool.


() to binary


How to convert hexadecimal to decimal?

The conversion of any number into a hex number is simple. The regular base-16 number is the sum of digits multiplied with the power of 16. For example, if you have the number "AE88" then convert the character "A" & "E" into their equivalent decimal value. After converting, you will get an answer of "44680".

About Hex and Decimal Numbers

Hexadecimal numbers are the base-16 numbers. It includes o, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and A to F letters. It groups the binary numbers that use zeros and ones in sets of four different digits. MAC address, computer programming, and many modern microprocessors use the concepts of the Hexadecimal numbering system. The decimal numbers contain just 0 to 9. It is also one of the most used numbering systems by a lot of modern microprocessors.

Importance of hex converter

Hex is useful for writing large binary and decimal numbers in just a few digits. As it contains 0 to 9 & A to F, it becomes difficult to read large numbers for humans. For that reason, it becomes necessary to use hex converter for a better understanding of users.

Base-16 Table

Base-16 Base-10
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
A 10
B 11
C 12
D 13
E 14
F 15
10 16
11 17
12 18
13 19
14 20
15 21
16 22
17 23
18 24
19 25
20 32
21 33
22 34
23 35
24 36
25 37