Decimal to Binary converter

This decimal to binary calculator helps you to translate decimal numbers to binary. Enter a decimal number 40 in the text box, click on the button and get the number 101000 in response after the translation.


to base-8


to base-16


Decimal Numbers

The decimal numbering system is the most common numbering system used in our daily life. This numbering system is a base-10 system that includes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. For that reason, we use decimal numbers in our daily life. Decimal numbers are readable and easy to manipulate by humans.

About Binary Numbers

Binary numbers include just zeros and ones. It is next to impossible for humans to read a large binary number. Most electronics systems, microcontrollers, and microprocessors use binary zeros and one. As computer systems can easily read binary numbers, developers prefer binary numbers over any other numbers.

Importance of Decimal to Binary Conversion

  • Humans can read decimal numbers easily. Machines can read decimal numbers easily. For that reason, a converter can be helpful for humans and machines interactions. For example, a human inserts a code into a decimal number, a translator converts that code into binary and sends binary to the back-end. Once the back-end is ready with the response, it converts binary to decimal conversion tool and shows the decimal number to users.

How to convert decimal to binary?

Follow these steps to convert decimal to binary. Firstly, divide the given number by 2. After you are dividing it by 2, get the float for the next iteration. The reminder is the conversion! For example, enter the number "46" in the textbox, and you get the answer 101110.


Converting a decimal number "12" to binary is simple. Firstly, divide 12 by 2, and the remainder would be 0, and the quotient for 12 will be 6. Again dividing the number 6 by two will give 0 as a remainder and "3" as a quotient. Now dividing the number 3 by the number 2 gives a remainder of 1 and the quotient of 1. That's it! The decimal conversion of number 12 will be 1100.