To convert ASCII to binary, Enter an ASCII value or a text value into the text box and convert it into the equivalent binary number. For example, enter "Binary" in the text box or any other character like ";" and get the text to binary conversion with our tool.
If you want to convert a string ASCII to binary then follow these simple steps. Take the first character of the text(it would be "T") and convert it into the ASCII value. And then convert the ASCII value to the equivalent binary number. The binary number for the string "T" will be 01110100. After the conversion, the number you will get should be 8-bits. If it is less than 8-bits, then add zeros and make it 8-bits long. Once the conversion of a number T is over, perform the same technique with other numbers, E, X, and the last one T. After the operation, you will get this answer(01010100 01100101 01111000 01110100).