Octal to Decimal

To get the conversion of decimal to octal, enter a value below and click on the button. Enter a decimal value "4444" and you will get the answer of "10534". Same way, you can also get an answer from the octal number to the decimal number. Enter the same number in the box and you will get the equivalent decimal conversion.


Octal Numbers

The oct is a short form for the octal numbers. It is the base-8 numbering system that uses digital from 0 to 7. In the octal numbering system, each place is the power of eight. The biggest benefit of octal numbers is nothing but they can directly be converted into the binary number in the simplest manner. Even the decimal to octal conversion is also really simple, find the conversion technique below.

Octal to decimal conversion

The normal decimal number is nothing but the sum of numbers multiplied by 10 raise to X(Where x is any given decimal number). For example, if you want to convert 37 octal number into decimal then the calculation would be as shown below,

37 = (3*8) + (7*1) = 31

You can also use our tool to perform a similar conversion.

Base 8 Base 10
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
10 8
11 9
12 10
13 11
14 12
15 13
24 20
32 26
40 32
64 52
72 58
100 64